Girl Friday Breakfast Club with Sophie Herxheimer on Friday 31 May

Join us for the Girl Friday Breakfast Club with artist and poet, Sophie Herxheimer, on Friday 31 May at 8am online. Tickets available here.

Sophie Herxheimer is an artist and poet. She’s held many residencies in the UK and internationally. Her work has been shown at her local allotments, Tate Modern, and on a giant mural along the sea-front at Margate. She made a 300-metre tablecloth for the Thames Festival, a life-size concrete poem in the shape of Mrs Beeton, and devised the colour palette for hit Cbeebies show In the Night Garden. She has illustrated six collections of mythology and fairy tale, most recently The Mighty Goddess (The History Press, 2023.) with Sally Pomme Clayton. Her collection Velkom to Inklandt (Short Books, 2017) was a Sunday Times Book of the Year. Her book 60 Lovers to Make and Do, (Henningham Family Press, 2019) was a TLS Book of the Year. She has an ongoing project where she listens and draws stories live with members of the public. Her latest collection is INDEX (zimZalla, 2021) 78 poems made from found text, published as a tarot deck. She is currently collaborating with film maker Sarah Gavron, on a graphic novel.

The event will be convened by Anita Taylor, artist, curator and educator. She is the founding Director of the foremost annual Trinity Buoy Wharf Drawing Prize [since 1994] and Drawing Projects UK, a public-facing initiative dedicated to drawing [since 2009], and Dean of Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art & Design at the University of Dundee.

The Girl Friday Breakfast Club was established by Professors Kate Reynolds and Anita Taylor in 2018 to provide a friendly and informal space for women to meet and to hear from an interesting woman speaker over breakfast at Drawing Projects UK on the last Friday of each month. We held our first online Girl Friday in October 2020, after realising we had longer to go before we could gather again for breakfast due to lockdown, and have continued in this format. We aim to retain the informal format online, and events are not recorded, so do book to join in - and bring your own breakfast - or lunch or supper depending on where you are in the world! All women, and those who identify as women, are welcome to join the Girl Friday Breakfast Club.

We will be offering an annual season ticket for the 2024/25 season of Girl Friday Breakfast Club events online. Annual Season Ticket Holders for this new season of the Girl Friday Breakfast Club 2024/25 will receive an email with a direct joining link for this (and each future) event. Please contact Drawing Projects UK by email on This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for more information about the annual season tickets.

Joining the online event: Please note that the Zoom link to join this event will be made available in the online event information that you will find once you have registered for the event - you will need to log into Eventbrite to find this. You will then either need to click on the joining link OR copy and paste the link into your web browser to join the event on the day.

We look forward to welcoming you!

#LastFridays #GirlFriday #BreakfastClub #HerStory #WomenInspiringWomen #InspirationalWomen #InspiringWomen #Artist

Portrait photo of Sophie Herxheimer by Robin Silas.